Horizons, our regional council, operate a gauge here at Mangaweka and one 60km upstream at Pukeokahu. We follow the flow/cumec (Cubic metres per second) gauging.
The graphs showing predictions are also pretty handy although they are only in level not flow. As a starting point 80cumecs is about 3.5m
You can also phone an automated gauge
0508 4 FLOOD and follow options
3,2,0,0.You can also view The Horizons Live Cam (below).
Remote Networks have got one set up that was watching the Bridge Build. Not sure how long this one will stay for but quite a good camera at the moment.
You can talk to us if you want more information about the suitability of the river for your next adventure, and rest assured we monitor these flows well with all products that we are providing.
12- 18 cumecs - super low for multisport kayaks, some would say unusable, Great fishing and swimming, fun in ww kayaks, pack rafts and rafts.
16- 30 cumecs - low flows for multisport kayaks, likely to be running clear so good fishing etc. pretty much good flows for all activities. Great for multiday river trips!
30 -80 cumecs - make the most of this range for multisport kayak training. Fishing?... don't presume these are clear conditions. Getting pretty swift and likely to be a bit nippy for swimming.
80-120 cumecs - pretty high for the multisport kayaking loses a bit of relevance for training at the higher end of this range. River is likely to be coloured and can consider this a flood.
>120 cumecs - we don't take people multisport kayaking above 120, there are those of you that can paddle these conditions for sure but swims will be long and it's easy to get separated from gear. Still great Whitewater Kayaking, packrafting and rafting. We are still able to operate really fun rafting trips above 120.
If you are on your own you should discus with us the conditions before you go, unless of course you know the river or rate yourself as a mean river runner...
Current River Information